Friday, September 2, 2011

Breach of the Social Contract: Article1 - A Cure for Cancer...

That you can't have... Watch This!

We have come to the point where the officials that "We the Governed" have put in place to govern have failed the people miserably. The Social Contract ( From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: The social contract is an intellectual device intended to explain the appropriate relationship between individuals and their governments. Social contract arguments assert that individuals unite into political societies by a process of mutual consent, agreeing to abide by common rules and accept corresponding duties to protect themselves and one another from violence and other kinds of harm. ) It does say harm there right? Here is a list of the side affects of chemotherapy

Chemotherapy Side Effects


Appetite Changes:

Bleeding Problems:



Fatigue (Feeling Weak and Very Tired):

Hair Loss (Alopecia):


Memory Changes:

Mouth and Throat Changes:

Nausea and Vomiting:

Nerve Changes:


Sexual and Fertility Changes in Men:

Sexual and Fertility Changes in Women:

Skin and Nail Changes:

Swelling (Fluid Retention):

Urination Changes:
and lets not forget...

Hemp Oil Side Effects

Digestive Symptoms

According to, a website dedicated to providing information on an array of different supplements and medications, hemp oil can cause minor side effects in the digestive system. For example, the website suggests that hemp and hemp oil can soften the stools, often leading to diarrhea or abdominal cramping. Many times, excessive diarrhea can lead to increased weight loss or malabsorption. While further research is needed to substantiate these side effect claims, it is recommended that for individuals with a history of digestive disorders or irregular bowel movements to not take hemp oil supplements.

THC Effects

As the website suggests, hemp oil derives from a plant that contains high levels of the neurological chemical THC. This chemical can cause hallucinations, euphoria or high anxiety in supplement users when taken on a regular basis. As such, hemp oil supplements can cause similar effects in some patients using the herb for the treatment of any disorder. It is recommended that supplement users not take hemp oil products prior to operating machinery or driving due to the risk of these hallucinogenic properties. This is especially true to individuals who are overly-sensitive to THC, which can be determined by visiting your medical doctor for more information.
Effects of the Blood

Another common side effect that hemp oil can cause in supplement users involves the cardiac system and bloodstream. As the website states, hemp oil products can directly affect the anticoagulant properties of platelets within the blood, often inhibiting their very production. As a result, patients who are currently being treated for a blood clotting deficiency or other cardiac medical condition are strongly advised to stay away from hemp oil supplements of any kind due to possible symptom complications.

...The first is prescribed daily and the later is a class 3 narcotic banned in 34 and those 16 states are 24th and higher in cancer death rates and 5 of the 6 lowest death rates being pro cannabis, with Utah being last but they're fucking aliens anyway. 

The point being is as soon as those who govern denied " We The Governed" the right to cure ourselves with out killing ourselves further... The Social Contract was broken those who govern have let the major pharmaceutical companies poison us to death for profit and that is DEATH BY CURE and MURDER FOR PROFIT...

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