Monday, October 24, 2011

Occupy The FDA

The hope that is sold to the American people by the NCI ( along with the protection from harm from the FDA is slowly becoming more like a slight of hand game in some city, instead of protecting and curing Americans. Thirteen years ago I lost my father to cancer, that was 98' and I come to find out in my recent days that Dr. Burzynski ( was curing cancer as early as 89'. In a film simply called BURZYNSKI, which is available on Netflix. The film goes into great detail about the 21 year fight Dr. Burzynski has been in with NCI and the FDA. Through 5 indictments and no convictions Dr. Burzynski has had to fight for his life and the lives of his patients ( Most with "un-curable" brain tumors) against Goliath. If you want to know more about Dr. Burzynski do yourself a favor and watch BURZYNSKI.

But this is about why the NCI and FDA would go through such extreme measures to destroy somebody who has proven his treatment cures cancer. Cancer is business and business is good. Because of the complete disrespect of human life and the insatiable need for money the bureaucracies that were put into place to protect and protecting the interests of corporations.

The Monsanto Company spent $1.4 million to lobby the federal government just in the first quarter of 2011, according to a recent disclosure report. That's still less than the $2.5 million Monsanto spent in a single three month period only a year earlier.

The company primarily lobbied Congress and the U.S. Department of Agriculture concerning regulations that would affect genetically engineered crops such as the company's Roundup Ready soybeans and alfalfa.

According to CNBC:

"The company also lobbied Congress and USDA on issues surrounding consolidation and antitrust law in agriculture ... The company also lobbied the U.S. Trade Representative and Department of State on issues surrounding foreign regulation and trade of biotech seeds."

With some minor Google searching and documentary watching Food Matters, Food Inc., Forks over Knifes, Burzynski and a couple others you'll find that the FDA promotes foods and health care products that matter of fact cause cancer and many other illnesses to promote big profits for PHARMA and many other Chemical/Drug/Food companies.

As the healthiness of our nation declines the GDP steadily climbs and cancer research and drug development post trillion dollar profits. Enough is enough with so many proven cancer cures why are we still spending money on awareness and preventative measures and not saving lives. Most of the cancer drugs that are currently in use have been in use for more then 20 years, so with $20 trillion (Might be an exaggeration) we still are researching and our best medicine came from 20 years ago? I'm calling bullshit and for a complete investigation on the FDA and it's funding and we the people should demand answers on the following questions.

1. Why does the FDA approve Food and Drugs that are proven to cause cancer and other fatal and debilitating illnesses?

2. Why has the FDA not approved Vitamin treatment, Hemp Oil and Antineoplastic for cancer treatment when they have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt to CURE CANCER?

3. Why does the FDA and FCC allow pharmaceutical companies to advertise on T.V. drugs that are proven to cause cancer and death?


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